I was in one play in my life. I was a senior in High School and I auditioned for a Role in the “Mad Woman of Chaillot.” Frankly, I tried out because I was trying to get a date with a girl named Pam. I got the part, but not the date. It was a nice Cameo. I played the role of the “Stockbroker.”
I don’t remember my lines exactly, but it was something about the market going up, up, up and then down, down, down, and then up, up, up and then down, down, down….and then finally up, up, up!
My opening line when I walked stage was “Oh, what a day!”
For obvious reasons, I have been thinking about that speech a lot recently. I guess that this is an example of life imitating art.
Today I began going through each and every account individually and buying stocks that I thought were appropriate for your account.
The market is low; we built this large cash position for a reason and I think now is what we have been waiting for.
Depending on what you owned already and what you didn’t own I bought you some stock today.
I don’t think I ever bought this much stock in one day in my life.
Don’t get too scared, we still have plenty of cash.
The following is non-complete list of what we bought:
Intel …….$15!
Citigroup (We sold this on Monday at $18.70 and bought it back today at $15.)
Bank of America
Progress Energy
Bristol Myers
Sysco Foods
Duke Power
We also bought a block of Caterpillar. The stock is at $41 down from a high of $96 earlier this year.
AND, a block of Yum brands.
I don’t remember my lines exactly, but it was something about the market going up, up, up and then down, down, down, and then up, up, up and then down, down, down….and then finally up, up, up!
My opening line when I walked stage was “Oh, what a day!”
For obvious reasons, I have been thinking about that speech a lot recently. I guess that this is an example of life imitating art.
Today I began going through each and every account individually and buying stocks that I thought were appropriate for your account.
The market is low; we built this large cash position for a reason and I think now is what we have been waiting for.
Depending on what you owned already and what you didn’t own I bought you some stock today.
I don’t think I ever bought this much stock in one day in my life.
Don’t get too scared, we still have plenty of cash.
The following is non-complete list of what we bought:
Intel …….$15!
Citigroup (We sold this on Monday at $18.70 and bought it back today at $15.)
Bank of America
Progress Energy
Bristol Myers
Sysco Foods
Duke Power
We also bought a block of Caterpillar. The stock is at $41 down from a high of $96 earlier this year.
AND, a block of Yum brands.
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